Workshops and Events
Many companies seek one-off trainings, such as Webinars, Workshops, or any event that will generate great impact to a considerable number of employees.
Some benefits for companies include:
- Quick and dynamic learning on a particular subject;
- Search for a new mindset and ways of thinking about business;
- Update of the employee’s professional portfolio and area of activity
- Networking;
Auding helps companies set up small or large events, based on a wide variety of themes.
Some of them include:
– The Art of Public Speaking
– Leadership and Teamwork
– Emotional Intelligence
– Building a Solid Corporate Culture
– How to Plan, Attend or Conduct a Meeting
– Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
We remind you all that our solutions are customized, according to the reality of each company.
*Events available in English, Spanish or Portuguese (for foreigners).
Our Clients

Contact Us
Contact us to schedule a free and non-binding language assessment. We will understand more about your language difficulties and goals to develop a customized lesson plan based on your schedule and budget.
Telephone / WhatsApp:
(21) 2493-8979 / (21) 99611-9857
Av. Rodolfo Amoedo, 398 / Lojas 107/108
Barra da Tijuca – Rio de Janeiro/RJ