Where we do

We adapt the best way and the best place for you

At School
Auding branch is located in Barra da Tijuca, and offers comfort, infra-structure and fast support for those who seek focused and uninterrupted learning. We have spaces for individual and group classes and for study, besides allowing free access to our library and online materials.

In Company
The corporate world has no boundaries, speaks several languages, works irregular hours, and tirelessly. Recognizing such difficulties of the work routine, Auding meets the needs of professionals and companies, with classes that stand out by customizing programs, dates and study time. Our Corporate Management is available to visit the company’s HR to understand more about the needs of each student.

At Home

We know that the day-to-day routine can make it difficult for students to take classes at our branch or in their company. Thinking about this, Auding also provides its methodology to the student’s home, in order to prevent delays or cancellations. It is important that the student has an appropriate space for learning and that it does not offer distractions that could compromise the rhythm and quality of the classes.


Our online training programs have been restructured and offer the same quality as in-person classes, with an access platform enriched with useful tools that facilitate the learning process. If you want to combine flexibility and convenience (without losing quality), online classes are the perfect option for you.


The COVID-19 scenario has intensified the demand for hybrid teaching (or blended learning), which is here to stay. This practice promotes a mix between face-to-face and online teaching, optimizing student time and performance, making classes more dynamic.

Contact Us

Contact us to schedule a free and non-binding language assessment. We will understand more about your language difficulties and goals to develop a customized lesson plan based on your schedule and budget.


Telephone / WhatsApp:
(21) 2493-8979 / (21) 99611-9857

Av. Rodolfo Amoedo, 398 / Lojas 107/108
Barra da Tijuca – Rio de Janeiro/RJ