Auding x Covid-19

Auding x Covid-19
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Auding Idiomas informs that its entire class structure has been resumed online, without the need for the student to physically travel to our headquarters, due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus. The decision of our school follows the determinations of the state of Rio de Janeiro, which prohibited the operation of public or private schools in the state, as a way of fighting the virus. 

In this way, we ensure the development of students in their language learning, in a class model that also does not jeopardize the well-being or health of our teachers and collaborators.  

Below is some useful information for students: 

– Classes are taking place through the ZOOM and SKYPE platform, at times agreed between students and teachers. Access can be made on computers (preferred), notebooks, tablets and smartphones, as long as there is an internet connection. An access manual is sent by Auding and connection tests will be done beforehand. 

– Our units in Centro and Barra da Tijuca, as mentioned, are temporarily closed. However, we continue to respond to queries and contacts via ​email and telephone (21) 99611-9857.

– We ensure that as soon as it is safe and allowed, we will resume face-to-face activities. Students who chose to interrupt training during the period will have their classes properly rescheduled on our return..

Auding Idiomas reinforces the importance of preserving health at a critical time like the one we are experiencing. Therefore, we intend to collaborate with all effective measures to combat COVID-19.